Bill Crane, the leading Magical Entertainer and Mentalist, delights audiences across the United States and around the globe. His journey began at the age of six when he received a magic kit for his birthday, igniting a lifelong passion. By eight, he was saving every allowance and birthday dollar for trips to Paul’s Magic & Fun shop in Ft. Lauderdale, investing in professional magic equipment. At just twelve years old, Bill performed his inaugural professional magic show for children nearly his own age.
While his peers worked in fast food joints during high school, Bill honed his craft and performed tirelessly. During college, he expanded his repertoire to include strolling magic at restaurants and began working part-time at the same magic shop of his childhood. With a bachelor’s degree in Business Management, he launched a private club where he dazzled patrons at the bar. Later, he ventured into party planning and catering, offering his talents at cocktail parties and Mitzvahs.
Nearly five decades since his first magic kit, Bill Crane continues to captivate audiences with breathtaking close-up magic, performed “up close and personal,” and mind-bending mentalism that reaches into the depths of the audience’s imagination.